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Algerian Journal of Materials Chemistry


Alg. J Mat Chem       


 ISSN 2661-7196  


Vol.1 Issue 1, (2018)

March 10, 2019

Study of the Adsorption of Heavy Metal (Pb) at batch conditions in Aqueous Solution onto Apricot Stone as low cost Adsorbent.

Moussa ABBAS * 1 , Tounsia AKSIL1 and Mohamed TRARI 2

1 Laboratory of  Soft Technologies and Biodiversity, Faculty of Sciences, University M’hamed Bougara of  Boumerdes, Boumerdes 35000, Algeria. 

2   Laboratory of Storage and Valorization of Renewable Energies, Faculty of Chemistry (USTHB), BP 32-16111 El-Alia, Bab Ezzouar, Algeria.


Abstract.  In the present study, batch experiments were carried out to elucidate the potential of Apricot stone activated carbon ASAC to remove Pb2+ ions from aqueous solution. ASAC was characterized by Bruanauer, Emmett and Teller surface area S = 80.08 (m2/g), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The Effects of various process parameters such as initial pH (2-14), adsorbent dose (5-45 g/L) initial metal ion concentration (20–0 mg/L), contact time (0-90 min), Agitation speed (100-700 rpm) and temperature (298-323k) were investigated in their respective range and their optimum conditions were ascertained. The Adsorption kinetics was analyzed by the pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, Elovich and intraparticle diffusion kinetic models. It was found that the adsorption of the metal ions followed pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The Adsorption isotherms were modeled with Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, Hasley and Harkins models and their isotherm constants were calculated. The Freundlich model fits the data with a monolayer adsorption capacity of 166.813 mg/g at pH 8. The thermodynamic parameters such as the Gibb’s free energy, enthalpy and entropy were calculated to predict the nature of adsorption process. The calculated thermodynamic parameters showed that the adsorption of Pb2+ ions on ASAC is endothermic (ΔH0 = 121.38 Kj/mol) and not spontaneous (ΔG0 >0) in nature.


Keywords:  Apricot stone, Heavy metal, Isotherm, Removal, Thermodynamic, Equilibrium, Modeling.

Vol.1 Issue 1, pp 29–39, (2018)

February 26, 2019

Surface conditions effect on the corrosion behaviour of steel rebar in simulated concrete pore solution


Université de Jijel, Laboratoire des Interactions Matériaux Environnement (LIME), BP 98, Ouled Aîssa - Jijel 18000, Algérie.


 Abstract. In order to study a surface conditions effect on the corrosion behaviour of steel rebar, electrochemical tests were carried out in simulated concrete pore solution using samples with two different surfaces: polished and corroded (as received). The obtained results show that the oxide layer has a negative effect on the corrosion behaviour of reinforcement steel. This effect can be explained by the fact that the oxides provoke a decrease of the electrolyte resistance at the metal/concrete interface and reduce the re-passivating ability. In addition, the oxide layer acts as a physical barrier against the diffusion of hydroxyl ions, which prevents the re-alkalinization phenomenon. 

Keywords: Corrosion, concrete, steel, chloride, rust.

Vol.1 Issue 1, pp 16–28, (2018)

February 15, 2019

Caractérisation de l’interaction entre la fexofenadine et l’acier inoxydable : Application au nettoyage d’un médicament.

Naitali Fateh, Ghoualem Hafida

USTHB, Faculté de Chimie, Laboratoire d’Electro-chimie, Corrosion Métallurgie et Chimie Minérale. BP32 El-Alia Bab-Ezzouar. 16111, Alger. Algérie,


Résumé. Le médicament est l’un des produits les plus contrôlés et les plus sécurisés dans le secteur industriel où la réglementation est toujours plus exigeante.

Les médicaments doivent répondre aux exigences essentielles en termes de qualité, de sécurité et d’efficacité.

Le nettoyage des équipements de production et des locaux fait partie des opérations déterminantes pour atteindre cet objectif. Les équipements de fabrication dans l’industrie pharmaceutique sont essentiellement en acier inoxydable.

Lors des étapes de nettoyage, le liquide doit pénétrer à l’intérieur des micro/nano structures. La connaissance de l’état de mouillage lors des procédés humides est une problématique cruciale dans l’industrie pharmaceutique.

L’objectif de cette étude est de caractériser l’interaction entre la fexofenadine et un acier inoxydable via le calcul des paramètres : Angle de contact, tension de surface, travail de cohésion et d’adhésion.  Un essai de nettoyage a été alors effectué.


Keywords: Acier inoxydable, médicament, nettoyage, étalement, adhésion, cohésion.

Vol.1 Issue 1, pp 07–15, (2018)

February 15, 2019

Copie de -Effect of physico-chemical characterizations of a polymer in the presence of an agrifood waste


Coatings Laboratory, Materials and Environment University   M'Hamed Bougara-Boumerdes Avenue de l'Indépendance, Boumerdes 35000 Algeria


Abstract. Our work has a dual environmental aspect. On the one hand a valorization of natural by-products in this case the dates nuclei, and on the other hand, the study of the adsorbent efficiency of the active carbon resulting from these nuclei for the elimination of methylene blue. The various characterization results (activation, pH, concentration, mass, particle size, etc.) have shown that the materials obtained with different concentrations of activated carbon (0, 5, 10 and 15wt. %) mixed with HDPE have a large external surface and a low diffusion depth which generates a very fast adsorption rate. The role of the adsorbent (CA) is the elimination of the pollutant (colorant), this is due to the fact that the diffusion of the molecules of the colorant of the solution on the surface of the adsorbent is accelerated by the increase of the concentration in CA, in our case, by a simple visual appearance, the level of CA that responds to this slight discoloration of methylen blue is 10wt. %. So coal made from date kernels could then be tested for example in HDPE tubes for treatment of water.


Keywords: High density polyethylene, date kernels, activated carbon, adsorption; methylen blue.

Vol.1 Issue 1, pp 01–07, (2018)

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Algerian Journal of Materials Chemistry.   Alg. J Mat Chem     EISSN 2716-9472

                                                                                                          ISSN 2661-7196  

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